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Category: Birds

How to build a barn for geese?

In order to independently build a shed for geese, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the bird, the region of residence, the material base and the number of birds. How to build a barn for geese with your own hands, what you should pay attention to and what materials to use, as well as a detailed description of the process - hereinafter....

How to slaughter a guinea fowl? The complete guide

Every farmer involved in the maintenance and breeding of guinea fowl is faced with the task of slaughtering a bird. The correctness of this procedure, as well as the subsequent processing of carcasses, determine the taste of meat and the shelf life of the product. Knowing important nuances will help avoid mistakes and...

Automatic chicken feeders - a boon for breeders

An automatic feeder is a device that delivers the right portion of food strictly at a set time or as it is consumed. Thanks to this, chickens regularly receive portions of food, do not remain hungry and, therefore, continue to carry an abundant number of eggs. In addition, the breeder no longer has to...

By what signs can a gander be distinguished from a goose?

If you are breeding geese, you just need to know how the gander differs from the goose. After all, gender differences between them are not as noticeable as for chickens and roosters. Let's look at the main criteria for the differences between small goslings and already adult individuals. Significance of sex determination in geese...

Big 6 turkeys - distinctive characteristics of the breed

If the breeders of the birds want to engage in the breeding of meat-related birds for the sale of meat, then Big 6 turkeys should be preferred. This is a breed that is famous for its large body weight, attractive external data, and accessibility in content. Such birds can bring a good profit....

Features of exhibition German pigeons

German exhibition pigeons are regular participants in pigeon international shows. This type of bird was created not for practical purposes, but for demonstrations at exhibitions. German show pigeons The breed of German show pigeons gained popularity on a European scale these...

Why is Agidel duck so popular? Overview of the breed and its rules

Ducks Agidel is a favorite breed of Russian breeders, often used for breeding. At the exit, you can get a carcass weighing 3 kg or more, 250 eggs from one layer. Poultry is economical in maintenance, unpretentious in nutrition and care, is characterized by high productivity and hearty meat. History...